Rinnai Tankless Service Flush: Yes you can!

Rinnai tankless water heaters work perfectly as long as they are installed properly and undergo an occassional “flush out” to remove mineral scale from the inside of the heat exchanger. The tankless flush is a simple procedure and if you are a slightly mechanically-inclined handy-person, give it a shot.
Polybutylene Kills a Home Price
People who are considering buying a home with polybutylene pipe should be aware of the major and invetable problems they will experience from owning a home with gray poly. I spoke with a home inspector down in Columbus Georgia who claims to tell his clients that there is nothing wrong with polybutylene pipe and that, in fact, polybutylene pipe is very reliable and better than many of the materials currently used for polybutylene water piping.
Article About Aging Plumbing System
The Agent’s Role as Advisor and Risk Manager Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part series to explain insurers’ requirements for building update
House with Polybutylene in Greater Metro Atlanta

According to Blake Mowe, Director of Operations at Plumbing Express Atlanta, many savvy home sellers replace polybutylene prior to listing their home.